Monday, February 28, 2011

On The Subject of Anything

Today shall be known as the Day of Productivity! At least, it is the Day In Which Amanda Intends To Get Some Important Things Done and Vows To Not Be Distracted By Anything!

And yes, blogging is being productive! [Insert a heartfelt apology for not posting anything for an absolute age!]

Things That I Am Thinking About That Fit In With My Mission To Be Productive:
  • Doing Calculus homework
  • Tidying bedroom
  • Doing Physics homework
  • Reading
  • Studying for ACT
  • Medley Practice
  • Practice with Jacob
  • Sleeping tonight
Things That I Am Thinking About That Have Nothing To Do With Anything
  • The word anything. I put it in the title of this post for no reason. But I have already used it three times above.
  • Pens. I don't know if I like them. Or if I am indifferent toward them. I don't hate them.
  • Green lights. Small green lights pop up very frequently in my dreams.
  • Dreams? Weird dreams. They are all weird.
  • RAWR!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be honest, I have nothing interesting in my head at this point.

How about some links to some fantastic videos?

Enjoy :)


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A State of Completeness and Flawlessness

Hello there my dear people who read this. I was suprised to learn that 15 people had viewed my last post. Which was from yesterday. Yay! Celebration! Confetti! Fizzy drinks!

Ooh, root beer suddenly sounds good. (I am now eating a root beer flavored piece of hard candy. It is reminding me of the strawberry hard candies with the gooeyish center? Yes? You know of what I speak? Don't they just remind you of parades? Scurrying up to the front in order to wage war over the candy chucked by Miss Provo and Miss Orem's attendants? Good memories.)

I am reading this fantastic book called Wicked Lovely. There is a really good reason that it is a bestseller...

Today was lovely, was it not? I pray that the weather continues to smile upon us. Soon there will be FLOWERS among us! Bluer skies, lazy clouds, temperatures in the highs! (See that rhyming there? Yeah, I'm that good.)

Which would you prefer? Frequent, yet short posts? Or long posts that take a little more time for me to write? Meaning LESS frequent. Let me know...

Till later.

Love, your dear friend,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Epiphany! Apostrophe? Epiphany!

Hi there my dear children! I have missed you oh-so-much and it has been too long since my last post.

Let me catch you up to speed with what had been going on in my life lately.

•I dyed my hair bright blue so that it would better clash with my eyes
• My last name has officially been changed to "Kolblenz." Ha! Try and find another Amanda Kolblenz on this planet!
•I kinda found out that I recently acquired mermaid powers. Yeah, I know that you are all jealous and are going to want me to introduce you to my dolphin friends, but let us first get one thing straight: I will only use my powers for good. No matter what that ridiculous future-telling seagull says.
•I took a special test that basically proved that I am mentally years ahead of the smartest people alive. But please don't treat me any different. Even though while I talk to you each day I am solving unsolvable math equations in my mind. And mentally writing the perfect novel.

So, yeah, nothing any different from the usual has been going on. What about for you?

Guess what? SPRING STEADILY APPROACHETH! This fills me with great joy.

Don't you love the lightbulb feeling? When something that was hidden is suddenly very obvious? Tis glorious.

How many times have you been thought about? If a tally was put next to your name everytime someone thought it, how big would the number of tallies be? I am thinking that it would be a ginormous number. Cool thought. At least, I think so.

How do you make lots of people think the exact same thought at the exact same time? Well, you could toss an earthquake at them. What else would make that happen? Something heavily tied to emotion and instincts, I'm thinking.

Lots of mind thoughts going on in my head. :)

Have a good night!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Looking Through Your Eyes

Forgive me for my current Taylor Swift/Journey/pajamas/cocoa/slippers mood. It has been a strange day. So I would like to let some specific people know some specific things.

KD: Thank you for constantly asking me to update my blog. Also, thank you for joining me on my adventure to the A La Carte line. It was epic.

AG: I don't even think that you read this. But I must say that your hair is just amazing. And I am glad that you have been so happy lately.

JA: I am sorry for not being perfect! And for getting frustrated! Thank you for putting up with me! I admire your dedication.

KH: Thank you for the inside jokes. And the inside conversations. I am sorry when you are upset. And I am trying to see your balance between white and blue. Thank you for listening to my crazy rants, as many as there are. Thank you.

CB: You FOR SURE do not read this blog, but I can't be thankful without mentioning you and HB. You invest YOUR LIVES in us. And I can never tell you how much that means to me.

TD: You are a wonderful, crazy jerk. And thank you for that. I'm so proud of you all of the time and I feel like you are a kindred soul. (Do you understand what I mean? No? It's all good.)

I know that this post isn't my usual insanity. But this is what I'm feeling right now. :)

Now! Back to Calculus!!!

Love, Amanda

Friday, February 4, 2011

Let the Mac and Cheese Feast Begin!

I want a FEAST! I want a BEAN FEAST! (Except I actually want a mac and cheese feast, but this is just a teeny detail. Please continue.) Cream buns and doughnuts and fruitcake with no nuts! So good you could go nuts! Give it to me NOW! I want the world, I want the whole world! I want to lock it all up in my pocket, it's my bar of chocolate! Give it to me now!

AnyWAY, now that that has been taken care of, on to more interesting thoughts that are making their way through my head.

Now, I need all of you to do me a favor. I need you to click on the following link, follow the instructions, and then never sleepwalk again.
Please. Please please please please please.

Next item of business is The Color Code. The Color Code is a lovely little way of understanding your personality. Take the test, it will give you many things to think about.

I know that I promised that I was done talking about mac and cheese, but... it is so INSANELY DELICIOUS. My train of thought right now goes a little like this: Sound smart. Sound smart. Sound clever. Be interesting. Be ha-- MAC AND CHEESE! Gooey, lovely cheeeeeese! With ketchup! MmmmmMMMmmmmMMMM!!!! Oh, right. Smart. Witty. Focused.

Now, one last thing before I depart.

That is all. :) Have a good night!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blasted Thingys!

First off, you have my leave to watch my theme song. (Please tell me that Amanda Maxwell and I were not the only ones that were obsessed with that show!)

Now, looking at the picture/example above (I find it humorous!), can you guess what I am thinking?
No? Alright then, I will make it a multiple choice.

What is Amanda thinking about?
a) Yellow
c)Slipping and sliding on ice in a very amusing (but painful) manner
d)The fact that the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", uses every letter in the alphabet

Please leave your guesses in the comments! (HaHA, see how I trick you into leaving a comment?)

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you a fragment of my past. Remember my trains of thought? The following is a train of thought from my 9th grade Creative Writing class...

"Small green light, not blinking, 'twould be odd it if did. The green light is also the exact shade of the sparkles in my dream. The dream in which I could see peoples' perils.
Oh! There are two small green lights!
Master my subconscious? I don't know if I could, but I kinda think I should. But again with the blinking/breathing/heart-beating thing.
Do I flinch when touched? I hug people..."

Now, let us compare this to one of my trains from a few days ago...

"Tomorrow is a B day. Seminary Ballroom 2 AP Calculus Commercial Art. THE BUS! I GO HOME TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! And then the weekend. Provo competition. Not dying. Writing myself notes. Blah blah blah. Teasing. Grr. Smiles. Springtime. Chinese. You know the Germans make good stuff."

Now please tell me, how did I become so unfocused in between these two trains! They both left from the same station! What does this say about the train station?

Don't you fret and don't you worry, I am planning in a hurry! (Yes, I actually have PLANS for this blog! Are you not all amazed?)

One last thought for tonight: where are you going?

(Amanda Manda Manda Manda Show!)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In Other Words

Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like on a-Jupiter and Mars...

Tonight is a mesh of thoughts as you probably can already tell. (Here I am referring to the Team Unicorn logo closely followed by a few lines of enchanting lyrics.)

Next thought:
See that guy? He should not be there, he should be ME. Because this world is MY coma. Not his. Hmph.

Also, I have a question for the world. How often am I allowed to wear my Pizza shirt? I see it hanging there every day and find myself counting (on my fingers) how many days ago I wore it. I think that it is officially my favorite shirt ever.

What is your favorite fruit? I am thinking that mine may be a mango. Oh! Idea!
Favorite Fruit: Mango
Favorite Berry: Strawberry
Favorite Fruit That Is Odd: Pomegranate
Least Favorite Stone: Pumice

Hey YOU! Do you wear glasses? Do you wear them often? No?! Well, then, I would like to propose an EVERYBODY WEAR GLASSES DAY!!!!!! Because if we all wear them, we can all celebrate our nerdiness (and most people won't even realize the real cause of celebration!) This is such a good idea! RIGHT?

That is it. I am creating a Facebook Event. Because it shall be an EVENT. (But, I am too lazy to create it right now.) Watch for it... in the FUTURE!


Well that was fun.

Ha ha. You do NOT want to know how often I have had to use spell check in this post.

Brain buzzing. La de da de DAH.

Have an excellent night.