Monday, January 31, 2011

Nerdfighters FTW

First off, if you don't know what a nerdfighter, watch THIS!

Today has been a fabulous day! As proof, did you notice the sun shining through the snow as it fell? Huh, huh? Good things!

I've been doing my mini happy dance a lot today and just because of the happy things that are going on in my head. Doop a doop a doop.

Practice was delightful, Jacob and I always practice better after a competition (mostly because we were scared out of our socks by the other couples.)

Medley practice was pleasant, though I am not sure if I am excited for every day practice or if I am dreading it.

This is a very short post, but I don't have much to say besides what I have already said about being happy.

Oh! Except, I must say a huge THANK YOU to the people that cause my happiness. I am so glad that I know you.

Have a wonderful day!

:) Amanda

Saturday, January 29, 2011

In Which Blue Is A Prominent Color

Hello there my dear comrades!
Today has contained a nice medley of colors, but the one that has stood out to me is blue (a nice dark blue, clear and calm.)

Google search: define blue
Result: blue color or pigment; resembling the color of the clear sky in the daytime

Google search: define smile
Result: A smile is a facial expression formed by flexing those muscles most notably near both ends of the mouth . The smile can also be found around the eyes
More results: The simplified molecular input line entry specification or SMILES is a specification for unambiguously describing the structure of chemical molecules using short ASCII strings.

The competition was... educational. Pre-Champ (Waltz, Tango, Quickstep) was, in short, a disaster. But I don't feel too bad about it. Novice (Waltz and Quickstep) went a lot better, but in both events there were at least 12 couples on the floor at a time. Do you know what that means? (CHAOS!)

Our Novice dances were recorded from two different points of view and after watching them, I can see some of our problems! (Namely, my elbow issues!!!)

To Do:
Fix Waltz
Fix Tango
Fix Quickstep
Prep Foxtrot
Prep Viennese Waltz
Survive the next few months

Dear Pandora,
How I LOVE thee! You have known me for quite some time and through all of our experiences, you have really come to understand the things that I care about and what I need at any moment. You are always there for me when I need to vent my anger or when I need a good cry. And what happiness you inspire in my heart when you play your cheerful songs!
Love, Amanda!

Have a wonderful night.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Speaking Of Happiness

Right now, I am rather happy. A moment ago, I thought to myself "What a perfect opportunity to prove to my blog that I'm not always a moody mess!"

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!

Today is Friday. Which means the end of things and the beginning of others. Goodbye to some people (which makes me happy or sad depending on the person.) Hello to competition! (I know, I've mentioned the competition several times already. I repeat things. All of the time. Oh, and I know that I've mentioned the competition several times already. I repeat things. All of the time. Oh, and I know that I've mentioned the competition... Sorry, that was an opportunity that could not be missed!)

I do love Google Chrome. Except, for some odd reason on my computer, it underlines all typed words, saying that they are misspelled. I know that I often make spelling mistakes, but I'm not THAT TERRIBLE.

Oh, by the way... I am Team Unicorn. :) You are welcome.

Is it super cheesy if I type an entire line of just smiles? No?
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I do love being happy.

I am thinking about how emotions influence our decisions. Some people are really good at separating their emotions, holding them at bay. I am not like that at all. Everything I say, everything that I do reflects the emotion that I am in.

I want to do something fluttery. Something that I can look back at and say "You know, that was fun and I'm glad that I did something so spontaneous!" Any ideas?

I love outside right now. Usually I hate this light, but because of the freshness of the air and the general "Ooh!" feeling, I am finding myself longing to go outside. Which is not typical of me. At least not during the months of October - April.

La la la and da dee dee. Eenie Meenie Minee Moe! Catch a unicorn by the toe!

Please be happy. And remind me later on to be happy. I feels so good.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pray Tell, Do You Have The Time?

There is a reason that this post is not called "What Time Is It?"

Really though, I don't think that the hands on the clock are moving at their traditional pace. (On an unrelated note, there are HANDS on a clock FACE? Weird. Yes. Shouldn't it be a nose, eyes, and a set of lips?)

Hey YOU! You should leave me a comment. So that I know who is reading this. That would be nice.

Blaaaaah blaaaah blaaaaah. Thoughts. Brain. Communication.

How about a train of thought:
Messages. Facebook. Hair out of my face. Taelor's mystery Tumblr that is about me. Smiling. Including everyone. Foxtrot. I am always thinking about the foxtrot lately. And it is YOUR fault. (Not all of you, just one specific you.) Tomorrow is a B day. Seminary Ballroom 2 AP Calculus Commercial Art. THE BUS! I GO HOME TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! And then the weekend. Provo competition. Not dying. Writing myself notes. Blah blah blah. Wanting to write notes to others, but is it a good idea? Teasing. Smiles. Springtime. Chinese. You know the Germans make good stuff. Epic. Pwned. DFTBA.

How much do I know about me?

On that note of insensibility, I shall bid you a goodnight. I'll miss you. Talk to you tomorrow.


(Wait wait wait! Click HERE!)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Getting My Thoughts Out For The Night

I want my bed. I want to go to sleep right now. But I know that as soon as I do, my mind will mull over the frustrations of the day. Can I list them for you?
  • The Physics Project (This includes the EXTREME guilt that I feel for leaving almost the entire thing to one member of our group. Guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt.)
  • Practice With Jacob (We discussed today how the quality of our practices have gone down because of our lack of tech. lessons and the sparseness of competitions of late. Oh, except, get ready to launch back into competing mode on SATURDAY! *screams of horror*)
  • I Never Ever Ever Go Home (I get to stay for standard practice tomorrow, latin practice tomorrow, and THEN practice with J. Thanks a lot Jacob. Grumble grumble grumble.)
  • AP Calc (It's not a huge thing on my mind, but I have to make room to do homework and study tomorrow.)
  • My Brain (I am having a difficult time with my memory of late. And time is passing by in a strange manner. Also, have I mentioned the constant stream of wacky dreams?)
  • My Hair (Yes. But this subject is always a stressful one. It is just a law of the universe.)
  • Broken Limbs (My baby brother broke his arm today. Poor kid. (Wait a sec, I dreamed about broken limbs last night...))
  • Standard Medley (This is just always on the list.)
  • My Strange Obsessive Habits
Okay, it is now obvious that this blog was created as a place to dump all of my thoughts. I am so sorry if you are reading this.

Good night. I love you. Fare thee well. Blah.

Hello You

Hi. I don't know what I am doing. I am thinking that this is going to be like an extended Facebook. I have so much to say and so much to explain, but FB is not the place to do it.

I'll talk to you soon!