Saturday, April 2, 2011


Some thoughts from today:

You can learn so much from yourself.

Think of how many people you could be.

Instead of thinking what choice you've made in the past that you would want to change, think of what choice is coming up. You can decide right now in advance. What a difference that could make.

Every person deserves you to be their friend. There is no one that you meet that could not be your friend with enough effort, or doesn't deserve you. Why aren't we friends with everyone?

How do we turn off the thing in our brains that tells us to judge people? I have a theory. I'll let you know after I have tried it if this idea works.

Let's not be offended.

Thanks for listening. Reading.

Just, thanks.


1 comment:

  1. Love it! It helped me today!
    Have a good last week of school!
    Can't wait to get to know you better next year!
