Monday, February 14, 2011

Epiphany! Apostrophe? Epiphany!

Hi there my dear children! I have missed you oh-so-much and it has been too long since my last post.

Let me catch you up to speed with what had been going on in my life lately.

•I dyed my hair bright blue so that it would better clash with my eyes
• My last name has officially been changed to "Kolblenz." Ha! Try and find another Amanda Kolblenz on this planet!
•I kinda found out that I recently acquired mermaid powers. Yeah, I know that you are all jealous and are going to want me to introduce you to my dolphin friends, but let us first get one thing straight: I will only use my powers for good. No matter what that ridiculous future-telling seagull says.
•I took a special test that basically proved that I am mentally years ahead of the smartest people alive. But please don't treat me any different. Even though while I talk to you each day I am solving unsolvable math equations in my mind. And mentally writing the perfect novel.

So, yeah, nothing any different from the usual has been going on. What about for you?

Guess what? SPRING STEADILY APPROACHETH! This fills me with great joy.

Don't you love the lightbulb feeling? When something that was hidden is suddenly very obvious? Tis glorious.

How many times have you been thought about? If a tally was put next to your name everytime someone thought it, how big would the number of tallies be? I am thinking that it would be a ginormous number. Cool thought. At least, I think so.

How do you make lots of people think the exact same thought at the exact same time? Well, you could toss an earthquake at them. What else would make that happen? Something heavily tied to emotion and instincts, I'm thinking.

Lots of mind thoughts going on in my head. :)

Have a good night!