Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Because What If Someone Actually Read This?

Dude. I'm blogging.

Blogging is definitely for bloggers. They are so dedicated to it.
I wish I were a blogger.

Instead, I'm a flitter. (Flit-ter, flitt-er) I flit about!

I have a vlog.
I have a tumblr.
I have a twitter.

But I think that one of the things that I love most about the internet is that I am allowed to flit about. I don't have to stay super attached to one particular thing.

Of course, to become really awesome at a thing, you have to be super attached to it.
And that's why people don't hear me on the internet. Because I don't talk all that much.

How I love listening on the internet though! Hank and John and Maureen and Ally, they've all told me wonderful things. They are why I love the internet.

Is that fulfilling my potential? Probably not. But, sometimes it is nice to do something just because you want to, instead of doing something to be awesome at that thing.

Writing, for example. I'm a decent writer. And when I want to write something really good, I sit down and work hard and write something great.
Other times, I just write because I want to. And 80% of the time all of that writing is stuff that I would never want to show someone or reread myself.

That's nice though, isn't it? Just doing something, not because you want to be awesome at it, but just because you can.

I'm babbling again.

I'm not going to apologize for not updating for so long.
Because I flit about. And I'm okay with being a flitter. :)

Have a really good night, okay?
